”We received your shower unit a couple weeks ago and promptly installed it on the water feed line into our 40 foot 5th wheel camper. We had been here on the coast of Texas for 6 or 7 weeks at that point and the poor water quality had caused an alarming re-occurance of Dawna’s 38-year Psoriasis affliction which had been well under control for the last 2 years due our extensive use of shower water filtration and long daily treatments with our Wellness Pro 2010.
Thank you so very much for bringing this extremely important technology to the market place. I am excited to share my reason for writing this letter of thanks. Our vacant lot by the restaurant is growing 15 ft. sunflowers and a lush vegetable garden since using the Structured Water Unit.
– Kelly Johnson, Bliss Cafe, Sedona, AZ
“I would like to say thank you for this unit. We bought the under the sink unit and I have never drank so much water in my life. I love drinking water. My hair is better, healthier and so are my nails.